In the Rear View

Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, May 21 2008 at 9:30 PM by Rick

Seattle was a fun time.

Though the seafood wasn't as off-the-charts amazing as we hoped, the coffee was. I guess when you're from a great coastal area it's hard to be blown away by seafood anywhere.

Pike Place Market was pretty cool. It's a fish market where they holler and tease tourists as they throw fish around. It's also home to the original Starbucks, where we saw a sweet bluegrass band with the best spoons player I've ever seen, hands down. There's also a large brass pig there, which is famous and from what I can tell, irrelevant to pretty much everything.

Posted in Trip Info | 1 Comments ยป

1 Responses

  1. Peege "a fish market where they holler and tease tourists as they throw fish around"...they weren't throwing the fish at the tourists were they? ...just kidding ;)