In the Rear View

Grand Canyon or Bust

Tuesday, May 6 2008 at 1:58 PM by Jay

OK. The map has been updated and is current up to 2:30AM last night. We've got more pictures and posts on the way. Today we are exploring the fourth biggest hole in the world (a.k.a the Grand Canyon) and it's likely they don't have wifi there, so expect updates in a day or two.

Stay tuned...

Posted in Trip Info | 1 Comments ยป

1 Responses

  1. Peege Wow, guys, so got some amazing pictures. Some even made my stomach flip...#88, #89, & #91. OMG! Awe-inspiring isn't it? I found it spiritual. Perhaps because of the majesty, perhaps because of the vastness, but I think for me it was because there is an overwhelming sense of the evolution of time. PS. Who's the friend in the last picture...someone you met on the Oregon Trail?