In the Rear View

Summer Night

Monday, April 21 2008 at 7:04 PM by Jay

We were fortunate enough to fall asleep to one of the most aurally stimulating thunderstorms I've ever heard in my life. I tried to capture it the best I could, but digital recordings fall short in emulating the experience.

Wrightsville Beach Thunder Storm

UPDATE: Here are some pics I was able to snap from tonight's storm.

04-21-2008 302.jpg 04-21-2008 317.jpg 04-21-2008 203.jpg

Posted in Trip Info | 5 Comments ยป

5 Responses

  1. hgwhite hey guys, I enjoyed looking at the new pics. And I like the new way they're displayed. I'm super jealous of your ocean visit! Hope you're having a great time!
  2. Max A shout from sunny RI. Should reach 80 today. Liked the storm pictures. Have fun and keep in touch. Love gram and pop
  3. Puff I love it.
  4. Max Hello Rick and Jay. Have a good time today and have you used the tent yet. Love Gram and Pop
  5. Tricia Hey guys, where you at? Been looking to hear from you! Have a great day!