In the Rear View

New Pics!

Thursday, May 8 2008 at 10:57 AM by Jay

Along with the posts, we've added new Pictures from our previous destinations.  We've also updated some of the already listed Albums.  Check out new pictures in Houston and Missouri City and new galleries for places we've been since.

Posted in Trip Info | 6 Comments »

6 Responses

  1. shawna Hey guys!!! I see that you are in San Diego - and my very good friend Kimi lives out there, and I talked to her and she said that you guys could crash at her and her fiance's house. Spare bedroom with your own bathroom... better than the backseat!! so Rich - give me a call if you're interested! Hope you're having fun!!!!
  2. Peege Hey, is it just me or was Carlsbad Cavern a little creppy? It looked scary to me.
  3. Peege Wow, I see you guys reached CA! You made it all the way across the county, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Congrats!
  4. Max I saw that you were in San Diego on MARCH 29. I don't think so. But do you have a long way to go before you head home. Miss you
  5. Rick Where/how did you see that we were in San Diego on March 29th?
  6. Max I cannot find it now but I can swear that when I saw the post it said March 29. Could just be my eyesight but I thought it was what I saw. SORRY.